IGNOU MBA Solved Assignment

Ms-01 Solved Assignment

Ignou Mba Ms-01 solved assignment. Get the best quality solutions. Management Functions and Behaviour, Master of Business Administration

MS 1 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015

1. What are Management processes? Critically discuss the necessity of each managerial process and its logical sequencing in relation to other processes in an organisational set up. Explain with the help of your organizational experience, or the ones you are aware of . Briefly discuss the vital details of the organization, you are referring to. 2. What are the assumptions of different decision making models which either describe how decisions are made, or prescribe how decisions should be made? Identify varying degrees of knowledge under which the decisions are made, and explain with the … [Read more...]

MS 1 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2014

1. Briefly describe the responsibilities a professional manager has towards various stakeholders with respect to sustainability of a business organization. Cite example of any business organization, and describe managerial responsibilities to support your response. Briefly describe the organization and the position you are referring to. 2.What hinders effective Decision-making? How can barriers to effective decision making be overcome? Draw from your own experience or the organizational experience, you are aware of, to support your answer. Briefly describe the organization and the … [Read more...]

MS 1 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2014

1. “Hiring good people is still a relatively simple task as compared to the task of retaining them. People may join a company because of its favorable image but will stay on only if they find appreciation for, and satisfaction from, their work.” Elaborate this statement underlying the role of a manager in the process. Explain with example from you own experience or the one you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization/s and the situation/s you are referring to. 2. ‘Policies, Programmes, and Procedures play as main stay of organizational growth and sustainability’. Do you … [Read more...]

MS 1 Ignou Mba Assignments July – Dec 2013

1) What are the Institution Building Skills of the Top Executives in organisational set up? Explain with examples from various Institution Building Personalities quoting their role relating to various skills which contributed in Institution Building. Briefly describe the organisational history you are referring to. Answer. Top managers are often thought of as the people who make critical decisions inside an organisation. Top executives require skills which supports building an institution or organisation. More on Institution Building Skills of the Top Executives and Managers 2) What are … [Read more...]

MS-01 June 2013 Management Functions and Behaviour

1. “Retaining talent, inculcating sense of loyalty for maintaining efficiency in terms of profit generation, managing survival and growth, are some of the most difficult challenges before a professional manager in evergrowing competitive business environment”. Elaborate this statement, explain underlying concepts with examples from the organization you have worked for or familiar with. Briefly describe the situation and the organization, you are referring to. 2. Define and describe Mission, Objectives, Goals, and Strategy in organizational context. Briefly explain the strategy formulation … [Read more...]

MS-01 Solved Assignment Dec 2012 Management Of Human Behaviour

1) Describe the process of conflict. Critically evaluate the impact of conflict on performance/productivity of an organization. Relate the situation of organization you are working in or familiar with as to how conflict affects the functioning of an organization. Briefly describe the organisation and situation, you are referring to. Answer. Organizational conflict is actually a condition of discord because of the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests among individuals employed together. A conflict can take many forms in organizations. There is the unavoidable clash … [Read more...]