1. Imagine yourself as a retailer for menswear and propose how you would use lifestyle approach to succeed in your venture. 2. Explain the concept of learning and discuss its marketing applications. 3. Discuss the characteristics that distinguish organisational buying from individual buying. Taking the example of purchase of a computer for your personal use and for organisational purpose, explain the differences. 4. Explain the concept of family life cycle. Which stage(s) of the family life cycle could constitute a lucrative segment for the following? Give reasons for your answer. … [Read more...]
MS 61 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – Jun 2017
1. Differentiate between organizational buying and individual buying. Taking any product of your choice for your personal purchase and for organizational purposes, explain the differences. 2. Briefly explain the concept of family life cycle. Which stage of the family life cycle could constitute a lucrative segment for the following? Giver reasons for your answer. Recommend a positioning strategy for each: (a) Pizza (Takeaway and delivery only) (b) Branded Gold Jewellery 3. ABC is a prominent company in the travel and vacation industry (both domestic and international). (a) Describe … [Read more...]
MS 95 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016
1. Explain briefly why data collection and data analysis should not be separated at the planning stage of any research project. 2. What do you understand by stratification of a population? Why is it said that stratified sampling improve precision? 3. Define Dichotomous data. Mention two reasons which make Guttman scale an impractical tool for the measurements of attitudes. 4. Two different varieties of mushroom were grown on 6 and 7 plots of the same size. At the end of the crop run, the following quantities of yield were observed for the two varieties: Variety I 16 12 11 13 15 … [Read more...]
MS 61 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016
1. Imagine yourself as a retailer for menswear and propose how you would use lifestyle approach to succeed in your venture. 2. What is meant by subliminal persuasion? Explain the various subliminal techniques. 3. Define personality. What are the differences between the trait theory and the psychoanalytic theory of personality? 4. What is a reference group? Name two reference groups that are important to you. In what ways do they influence you in your purchasing behaviour? 5. You are a marketing manager of a company that has started manufacturing washing machines. How will you … [Read more...]
MS 61 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015
1. How would you differentiate between organizational buying and individual buying? Taking the example of purchase of a computer for your personal use and for organizational purposes, explain the differences. 2. Explain the concept of family life cycle. How do the family life cycle stages affect the consumption patterns? Give its implications for the marketer of health insurance policies. 3. What do you understand by reference group influence? Suggest a few products for which you think reference groups would exert a strong influence with regard to the purchase of the product and the … [Read more...]
MS 61 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2014
1. Briefly explain the VALS – 2 classification. Analyze which VALS type best describes you and then find a print advertisement which, according to you, appeals to this VALS type. 2. What is organizational buying behavior? How is it different from individual buying? Taking the example of purchase of stationery for your personal use and for organizational purposes, explain the differences. 3. (a) Critically analyze the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. What are its major flaws? (b) “Understanding how consumers learn is very important to marketers”. Do you agree with the statement? … [Read more...]
MS-61 June 2013 Consumer Behaviour
1. You are the marketing head of leading retail chain dealing in electronic items. Your company has planned to launch the online store for the same. What segmentation approach would you use to effectively segment the market and why? 2. Explain the concept of culture and subculture. Discuss the relevance of sub cultural segmentation in case of the following. (a) Food chains (Restaurants) (b) Women apparels 3. You are a member of the purchase committee that has been formed to purchase fifty laptops for your company. Being a member of purchase committee, what criteria would you … [Read more...]