MS 25 IGNOU MBA Assignment July – Dec 2013

1. What is Turnaround Management? Explain how turn around Management can be used for bringing change in organisations. Give examples. 2. State the reasons for the change to occur in organisations and substantiate it with illustrations. 3. Explain the importance of interventions to be used in bringing about change in organisations. Describe any two interventions […]

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MS 11 IGNOU MBA Assignment July – Dec 2013

1. What is the purpose of strategy? Explain. What are the different levels of strategy in an organization? Explain these levels with the help of an illustration. 2. Discuss the concept of strategic alliances. Why do organizations pursue strategic alliances? Explain with the help of an example. Answer. A strategic alliance an arrangement among a […]

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MS 10 IGNOU MBA Assignment July – Dec 2013

1) Briefly describe the factors which affect organisational design and explain the four approaches in assessing organisational effectiveness. 2) Describe and discuss different perspectives of organisation design and their relevance. Explain different restructuring strategies. 3) Describe and discuss the trends in the present day work organisations and the role of Management in quality of work […]

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MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignment July – Dec 2013

1. Explain the discounting principle. Using the discounting principle calculate the present value of an annuity of five years at Rs. 500 payments made at the end of each of the next five years at 10% interest. 2. With reference to the marketing approach of demand measurement explain any two important sources of data used […]

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MS 8 IGNOU MBA Assignment July – Dec 2013

1. “Statistical unit is necessary not only for the collection of data, but also for the interpretation and presentation”. Explain the statement. 2. Find the standard deviation and coefficient of skewness for the following distribution Variable 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 Frequency 2 5 7 13 21 16 8 3 3. A […]

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MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignment July – Dec 2013

1. Describe the main components of a network including hardware & software and various types of networks. Distinguish between LAN & WAN and distinguish between Internet and Intranet. 2. Discuss why management needs information. Is it possible for the management of an organization to make effective decisions without the aid of an information system? Discuss. […]

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MS 6 IGNOU MBA Assignment July – Dec 2013

1. (a) “Marketing in the performance of business activities that directs the flow of goods and services from the produces to consumers”. Discuss the above statement by taking two suitable examples of your choice. (b) Discuss the concept of service and report on the reasons for the growth of the service sector. 2. (a) What […]

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MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignment July – Dec 2013

1. Explain Product design. How does it influence the Process Design? 2. Define Job Design. Identify the important factors and their influences in designing the Job. 3. What do you mean by Production Planning & Control (PPC)? Explain the role of aggregate planning in PPC. 4. What is value Engineering and Analysis. Explain how to […]

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MS 4 IGNOU MBA Assignment July – Dec 2013

1. Explain the various accounting concepts and examine the role of accounting concepts in the preparation of financial statements. 2. Explain the meaning of fund flow statement. How would you compute funds from operations in order to prepare sources and usage statement of funds? 3. What is CVP analysis? How does it differ from break-even […]

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MS 3 IGNOU MBA Assignment July – Dec 2013

1. “All modern economies have certain economic problems to deal with”. Examine and illustrate the statement. Answer. The fundamental economic problem is that desires and needs are higher than available resources, limited resources for limitless wants and needs that causes problem. Read more on Three basic economic problems 2. Briefly examine the growth of SSI in […]

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