IGNOU MBA Solved Assignment

MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2020

1. Discuss the concept of information system. Also, explain the various types of information systems. 2. Explain the following statement, “there is a two way relationship between organization and information systems.” 3. “Development of an information system requires adequate planning.” Describe a strategic planning process for system development. 4. “Information systems can fill a special role in corporate quality programs.” Explain how information systems contribute to Total Quality management? 5. Why is metadata an important component of a data warehouse? What is a metadata … [Read more...]

MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2019

1. Why should every organization have a disaster recovery plan to protect it self? What are the main components of disaster recovery plan? 2. “Information handling in an organization should be systematic process”. Explain the concept of information systems in management in the light of the statement. 3. “With so many ready made and customized software available – the need for a manager is to learn to use them effectively rather than learn program them”. Do you agree? 4. What are the factors that differentiate traditional logic and fuzzy logic? Explain the concept of membership … [Read more...]

MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2019

1. “Communication is the transmission of a signal by a way of particular medium from a sender to a receiver.” In the light of statement explain the pathway/ mediums through  which communication takes place. 2. What is a computer virus? Explain the various types of viruses and how to prevent these viruses? 3. What are the managerial decisions? Explain the various types of managerial decisions. Which one is preferred in what situations? 4. “If a firm doesn’t want to use its own internal resources to build and operate information systems, it can hire an external organization that … [Read more...]

MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2018

1. How do technological advances affect the spread and use of the Internet? What industries should pay close attention to efforts to regulate the Internet? 2. Describe the role of functional information systems. Also, discuss the managerial and strategic applications in the Accounting and Finance area or Human Resources Management areas that are supported by IT. 3. Is information technology as vital to modern global business as money? Why or why not? Describe the capabilities expected of information systems in modern organizations. 4. Define data mining and list some of its typical … [Read more...]

MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2018

1. Why is the Central Processing Unit (CPU) is called the “Brain” of the Computer? What are the components of a CPU? What factors affects the speed of a computer? 2. Define data and information. What is the difference between the two? What are the main characteristics of information? 3. What are the types of inventory management systems? Define them and partition them into further classes. Also, briefly explain each subdivision. 4. How can you use the Web as a data source for your data warehouse? What types of information can you get from the Web? Explain briefly the steps needed to … [Read more...]

MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2017

1. “An operating system performs allocation and assignment of system resources, schedules the use of computer resources, monitors the computer system activities etc.” Discuss briefly! 2. What impact does the implementation of programmed decision-making have on the management system of an organization? 3. Explain the concept of integrated software applications. Describe its advantages and business utility. Which of the business solutions offered by market leaders do you like the most? Why? 4. Briefly discuss the concept, fundamentals and vocabulary of a programming language from your … [Read more...]

MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – Jun 2017

1. What is open source software? Where can one find Open Source software? Isn't it hard to get reliable support for open-source software? Explain the differences between commercial software, shareware, open source software, freeware, and public domain software. 2. What is change in the focus of operations management? Is this change in the focus is due to the increase of competitiveness in Business? Elaborate. Also illustrate, the capabilities expected of information systems in context of Operations Management. 3. Discuss the important features of Java. Describe the Java development tools … [Read more...]

MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. Describe the management functions at various levels in the context of relationships between management and information needs. 2. Describe the role of transaction processing system in management functions. Briefly mention the subsystems of operations management. 3. How do Information systems contribute the Total Quality Management (TQM)? Justify your answer with examples. 4. Why is data mining being put to use in more and more businesses? Also, briefly mention some popular data mining techniques. . 5. Write short notes on: a) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) & File … [Read more...]

MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. What is the purpose of a computer aided decision support system? What are the major components of such a system? How does it help the decision making process? 2. “Every component of a computer such as software, hardware and network should be protected”. Justify! Why should every organization have a disaster recovery plan to protect itself? What are the main components of a disaster recovery plan? 3. What are the technology related challenges that are invisible? Highlight the pitfalls? How integrated software application can help in this? 4. “Excel is very versatile spreadsheet … [Read more...]

MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. What is the purpose of a computer aided decision support system? What are the major components of such a system? How does it help the decision making process? 2. What are the determinants of MIS design according to Zani? Explain the following statement, “there is a two way relationship between organization and Information Systems”. 3. Distinguish between data, information and knowledge. Discuss the importance of information system for business decisions. 4. In which phase of system life cycle the following are performed? Defining the problem, identifying its causes, specifying the … [Read more...]