1. Describe the management functions at various levels in the context of relationships between management and information needs. 2. Describe the role of transaction processing system in management functions. Briefly mention the subsystems of operations management. 3. How do Information systems contribute the Total Quality Management (TQM)? Justify your answer with examples. 4. Why is […]
[Continue reading]MS 4 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016
1. “Accountancy is an Information System”. Do you agree? Substantiate your answer with reasons. How does an Accountant help in planning and controlling a large commercial organization? Explain. 2. The following are the Balance Sheets of XYZ Ltd. for the years ending 31st December, 2014 & 2015. Particulars 2014 2014 2015 Rs Rs Liabilities […]
[Continue reading]MS 95 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016
1. Explain briefly why data collection and data analysis should not be separated at the planning stage of any research project. 2. What do you understand by stratification of a population? Why is it said that stratified sampling improve precision? 3. Define Dichotomous data. Mention two reasons which make Guttman scale an impractical tool for […]
[Continue reading]MS 93 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016
1. What do you understand by entrepreneurial competency? Explain its role in entrepreneurship development? 2. How can an opportunity analysis be conducted for the following:- (a) A gift shop (b) A bicycle store 3. What are the advantages of company form of organization as compared to Proprietorship/ One Person Company and Partnership form of organization? […]
[Continue reading]MS 92 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016
1. “The development of public sector in India can be divided in three phases.” Briefly discuss. 2. Briefly discuss the government‟s liberalization policy since 1991. Also, discuss the implications of liberalization in the present context. 3. „Public Enterprises in India function at three levels of administration: Central, State and Municipal.” Critically examine the statement in […]
[Continue reading]MS 91 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016
1. Describe the concept of corporate planning. Discuss the implementation of corporate planning in detail. 2. Discuss the nature and scope of corporate management and its role in non-business organizations, giving examples. 3. “Different market structures have different viewpoints with respect to competition”. Explain the statement with respect to market structures and sustainable competitive advantage. […]
[Continue reading]MS 54 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016
1. Define structured and unstructured decisions. Discuss the rational individual models of decision making. What are the implications of these models to information system analysts? 2. How much importance should be accorded to implementation phase as part of the total MIS development activity? Explain. Briefly discuss the various implementation strategies. Under what circumstances are they […]
[Continue reading]MS 53 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016
1. “We have entered the age of technology; henceforth everything will be knowledge based.” Discuss the above in the context of increasing use of technology-based resources for achieving tasks. 2. Over the years, many variations on classical Delphi have been forwarded. Briefly discuss these variants. 3. Capacity will be modified in response to demand. Demand […]
[Continue reading]MS 52 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016
1. What are the phases of a project development cycle? Give the salient tasks under each phase. What are the outlines of opportunity studies in project management? How do there impact upon project feasibility studies? 2. Doubled Project Report (DPR) forms the foundation on which the entire superstructure of the project is built – if […]
[Continue reading]MS 51 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016
1. Define Operations Research. Also, give a brief historical background of Operations Research. 2. ABC Company is engaged in manufacturing five brands of packed snacks. It is having five manufacturing set ups, each capable of manufacturing any of its brands one at a time. The cost to make a brand on these set ups vary […]
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