MS 25 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. Discuss the important factors responsible for change. Explain with the help of examples what makes excellent companies tick? 2. Discuss the concept of ‘turnaround management’. Cite organizational examples where turnaround management has taken place successfully. 3. Explain the concept of ‘intervention’ and types of interventions with the help of examples. 4. Enlist the key […]

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MS 11 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. Chose an organization of your choice from the manufacturing sector. Perform a SWOT analysis on the organization. Based on the SWOT analysis performed, list out the challenges the organization is facing, which can be converted into opportunities. 2. How does Focus strategy create competitive advantage for an organization? Illustrate your answer with the help […]

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MS 10 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. Describe the factors that affect organisational design and explain different approaches in assessing organisational effectiveness with the help of examples. 2. Discuss the concept of ‘process-based change’. Cite organizational examples where process based change has taken place successfully. 3. Describe and discuss the trends in the present day work organisations and the role of […]

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MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. “The traditional objective of the firm has been profit maximization. It is still regarded as the most common and theoretically the most plausible objective of business firms.” Discuss. 2. With reference to the marketing approach of demand measurement explain any two important sources of data used in demand forecasting. 3. Given the total cost […]

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MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. What is the purpose of a computer aided decision support system? What are the major components of such a system? How does it help the decision making process? 2. What are the determinants of MIS design according to Zani? Explain the following statement, “there is a two way relationship between organization and Information Systems”. […]

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MS 6 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. (a) “Distinguish between Product Marketing Vs. Services Marketing with suitable illustrations”. Explain why service marketing is considered as more challenging than product marketing. Elaborate with suitable examples. (b) Marketing involves much more than selling and adverting” Discuss. 2. (a) What are the major objectives of Sales Promotion initiated by firms? Discuss the role and  […]

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MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. Why is it more difficult to increase productivity of a service system as compared to a production system? Elaborate by giving suitable examples. 2. What is the importance of materials handling in designing a layout? How will you go about selecting the materials handling system? 3. It is usually presumed that ‘resistance to change […]

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MS 4 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. Discuss the activities performed by accounting personnel and the role and responsibilities that they undertake in an organisation. 2. You are required to prepare Funds Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement for the year ending 31st March 2015, based on the information given below. Balance Sheet (As on 31st March) Liabilities 2014 2015 Assets […]

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MS 1 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. How does MIS affect the efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation? Explain and discuss with the help of the organisational example you have come across or, known to you. Briefly describe the essential details of the organisation, you are referring to, along with basic components of the MIS and reporting relationships currently existing in […]

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MS 3 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. A thorough understanding of economic and social environment of business is essential for running enterprises successfully. Briefly discuss the statement citing examples. 2. What are the different viewpoints about the role of Government? Analyse the role of Government in today’s world. 3. Discuss the role and importance of Small Scale Industry (SSI) in a […]

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