1. Describe the emerging scenario of organizations. Explain the steps to be taken by management into bring in the mindset of employees conducive to changing reality of business in an organization you are aware of. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to. 2. Describe the socialization process. How socialization influence on personality, attitudes and […]
[Continue reading]MS 11 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015
1. Explain how the concept of leverage stretch and fit positions the firm in the market. Illustrate your answer with the help of examples. 2. What are ‘Strategic groups’? Explain how the strategic groups help the organizations in understanding the competition within the industry. 3. Discuss the additional consideration for using experience curve effect. 4. […]
[Continue reading]MS 10 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015
1. What are the different approaches to organisation? Briefly explain the 7s model with the help of examples. 2. Discuss the universal perspectives of Organisational Design. Identify the restructuring strategy being adopted by an organisation you are familiar with and make a brief analysis of the contingent factors that have influenced the strategy of the […]
[Continue reading]MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015
1. “The opportunity cost of anything is the return that can be had from the next best alternative use.” Explain this statement with reference to gun-versus-butter debate. 2. Describe each of the variables of demand function separately with the help of examples. 3. Break-even production of a firm is 4,000 units, its total fixed cost […]
[Continue reading]MS 8 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015
1. Calculate mean, median and mode from the following data relating to production of a steel mill on 60 days. Production (in Tons per day) 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 Number of Days 7 13 22 10 8 2. In an automobile, the shaft (it converts translatory motion to rotatory motion) can fail either due […]
[Continue reading]MS 7 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015
1. Define the Internet, Intranet, and e-commerce. Write a note on e-commerce. What are the advantages of e-commerce over conventional business? 2. Discuss why management needs information. Is it possible for the management of an organization to make effective decisions without the aid of an information system? Discuss. 3. Indentify the role of transaction processing […]
[Continue reading]MS 6 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015
1. (a) Distinguish Product Marketing Vs Services Marketing with suitable illustrations. (b) The essence of Marketing is a “Transaction”. Explain the underlying meaning of the above statement and give reasons in support of your answer with suitable examples. 2. (a) What are the major objectives of promotion strategy in a manufacturing and Marketing organization? Suggest […]
[Continue reading]MS 4 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015
1. “Accounting is closely connected with control”. Elaborate this statement and discuss the role of accounting feedback in the process of control. 2. The balance sheets of XYZ Ltd. as on Dec. 31 st, 2013 and 2014 are given below: Balance Sheets of XYZ Ltd. (Figure in Rs.) Liabilities 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 Assets 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 Share […]
[Continue reading]MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015
1. Explain in detail the framework of planning, organizing and control decisions in production systems. Give suitable examples to explain the framework. 2. What are the major techniques of work measurement? Discuss two important techniques with suitable examples. 3. Under what circumstances would you use PERT as opposed to CPM in project management? Give some […]
[Continue reading]MS 3 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015
1. Explain environment of business in detail and examine the interaction between economic environment and business management giving suitable examples. 2. Evaluate the working and performance of public sector in India. 3. a) Describe the salient features of the protective policy adopted by the government for Small Scale Industry (SSI). b) State the objective and […]
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