MS – 54 June 2013 Management Information Systems

1) Define Management Information Systems (MIS) and discuss various characteristics expected of a good MIS. 2) Evaluate critical success factor method for the purpose of Information Requirement Analysis. 3) What are the various system analysis tools and why do we need more than one tool at a time? 4) Discuss the main function of data […]

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MS – 53 June 2013Production/Operations Management

1) Explain the common principles on quality amongst the theory of Deming, Juran, Crosby and Baldridge criteria. 2) Explain the importance of forecasting in Production Management. Briefly discuss the various methods of forecasting. 3) Compare the manual and quantitative models for process Layout design. What are the advantages of each kind of model? 4) Define […]

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MS – 52 June 2013 Project Management

1) a) Distinguish between Project and Production Management. b) Discuss the critical success factor in Project Management. 2) Discuss the various methods for economic analysis of the project. Also explain the drawback of the traditional methods. 3) What is an ideal resource profile and how does it get influenced by practical considerations of project execution? […]

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MS – 24 June 2013 Employment Relations

1) Explain the historical review of industrial relations in India. Discuss the recent developments in the field of industrial relations in India with suitable examples. High light the issues and challenges for the industrial relations system in India. 2) Explain the origin and growth of Trade Unions in India. Describe the functions of Trade Unions […]

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MS – 23 June 2013 Human Resource Planning

1) Explain the role of Human Resource professionals in human resource planning. Describe the factors which are being used for human resource planning in any organisation you are familiar with. Highlight the requisites for effective planning. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to. 2) Explain the various kinds of Roles. Describe the factors contributing […]

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MS – 22 June 2013 Human Resource Development

1. What are the phases of organisational Development and the conditions for its success? Describe with the help of the realistic account of the system prevailing in the organisation you are working in or familiar with. Give brief detail of the organisation and the context you are referring to. 2. How are Performance Management Systems […]

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MS – 21 June 2013 Social Processes and Behavioral Issues

1) Briefly discuss the importance of values, work ethics and corporate governance in the present day context of organisations. Give examples. 2) Describe the process of perception. Explain the occurrence of errors in perception from the organisational context and how they can be reduced? 3) Briefly describe the salient features of counseling and discuss the […]

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MS-95 June 2013 Research Methodology for Management Decisions

1. What is a research design? Is it a specific plan like a building plan? How would you classify research designs? 2. Listed below are some objects of varying degree of abstractness. Suggest the properties of each of these objects that can be measured by each of the four basic types of scales (levels of […]

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MS – 93 June 2013 Management of New and Small Enterprises

1. Define Small Scale Enterprises (SSEs)? Explain the features of SSEs which make have an impact on the economic growth of the nation. 2. Identify an entrepreneur of your choice who has set up a small scale unit. Enumerate the steps, which helped him/her reach the final project. 3. Give an overview of Technical Feasibility […]

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MS – 92 June 2013 Management of Public Enterprises

1. Discuss the terms ‘Ownership’ and ‘Management’ with reference to Public Enterprises. 2. What is Social Audit? Explain the need for Social Audit in the present context. 3. “There are some important features of the State Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) in the country with a little or no difference between one state and the other.” […]

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