1. “Retaining talent, inculcating sense of loyalty for maintaining efficiency in terms of profit generation, managing survival and growth, are some of the most difficult challenges before a professional manager in evergrowing competitive business environment”. Elaborate this statement, explain underlying concepts with examples from the organization you have worked for or familiar with. Briefly describe […]
[Continue reading]MS-02 June 2013 Management of Human Resources
1. “Borderless world, Diversity Management, and Knowledge power, are some of the overarching factors being encountered by the Human Resource Mangers of 21st century business world”. How do they affect the dynamics of Human Resource Management in today’s organizations? Explain with examples from the organization you are familiar with or have been working for. Briefly […]
[Continue reading]MS-01 Solved Assignment Dec 2012 Management Of Human Behaviour
Organizational conflict is actually a condition of discord because of the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests among individuals employed together. A conflict can take many forms in organizations. There is the unavoidable clash between formal authority and power and those people and groups affected. You will find conflicts over how revenues should be distributed, how the work should be carried out, and how long and hard people should work.
[Continue reading]Ms-02 Solved Assignment Dec 2012 Management of Human Resources
1) The 21st century would see the following inter-related phenomena emerging, posing challenges to the corporate world and culminating in Olympian competition: Borderless world Diversity, and Knowledge Power The cross-cultural, cross-border mingling has resulted in the creation of a new class of people-global citizens with global attitudes, tastes and networks. Since it unleashes multiple variables, […]
[Continue reading]MS-04 Solved Assignment Dec 2012 Accounting and Finance for Managers
Capitalization of earning is actually an income-valuation technique which establishes the worth of a business/company/enterprise by exploring the present benefit of realizing a cash-flow now, as opposed to in the future. The capitalization of earnings is extremely helpful when the potential earnings could be forecasted effortlessly and accurately
[Continue reading]MS-07 Solved Assignment Dec 2012 Information System for Managers
An operating system (usually abbreviated OS and O/S) is a computer software which is responsible for the management and co-ordination of activities and also the sharing of the constrained resources of the computer system. Each and every general-purpose computer will need to have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems carry out basic jobs
[Continue reading]MS-03 Dec 2012 Economic and Social Environment
1. Briefly review the New Economic Policy of 1991. Highlight the landmark developments undertaken in the field of Public Sector Policy. 2. State the measures taken by Indian Government to tackle industrial sickness in SSI and Non-SSI Sector. . 3. “An important objective of industrial policy and licensing is to prevent the emergence of private […]
[Continue reading]MS-05 Dec 2012 Management of Machines and Materials
1. Explain the concept of Systems Life-Cycle. 2. How should an organization balance the different design characteristics in a new product? Elaborate. 3. Define Job Design. Explain the important factors to be considered for Job designing. 4. Elaborate your understanding about Aggregate Production Planning. 5. Define Value Engineering and Analysis. What are the various methods […]
[Continue reading]MS-06 Dec 2012 Marketing for Managers
1. Discuss the various characteristics of services that make them unique from product. Briefly explain the implications of these characteristics in designing suitable Marketing Strategy for any two service offerings of your choice. 2. a) The success of a firm largely depends on the right blending of Marketing Mix elements. Discuss with two recent examples […]
[Continue reading]MS-08 Dec 2012 Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications
1. A tour operator charges Rs 136 per passenger for 100 passengers with a discount of Rs 4 each for 10 passengers in excess of 100. Determine the number of passengers that will maximize the amount of money the tour operator receives. 2. Calculate Bowley’s coefficient of skewness (based on quartiles) from the following data […]
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