IGNOU MBA Solved Assignment

IGNOU MBA Assignment

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MS 97 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

Students registered for the Course MS-97 for July 2015 should attempt questions from Part-I and those registered for July 2016 should attempt questions from part – II. Part – I 1. a) What is corporate life cycle theory? Explain its various stages with examples. b) Explain the different modes of entry into international business. Give illustrations. 2. Discuss different stages of evolutionary patterns of organizational structures of international business with suitable examples. 3. Explains the accounting problems in relation to multinational control system. 4. Human resource is … [Read more...]

MS 96 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. List and explain the four major quality eras. Choose an organization of your choice and evaluate its present status regarding the quality eras. 2. What are the seven deadly diseases associated with the traditional management practices? Explain. 3. What do you understand by Modes of learning? What in your opinion is the role of learning modes in the performance of employees of an organization? Discuss. 4. Select one common problem in the firm you are acquainted with and apply the PDCA cycle to solve it. 5. Explain Quality Planning using a quality planning road map. … [Read more...]

MS 95 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. Does exploratory research always lead to conclusive research? Give adequate examples to explain your perspective? Ans : ...Research is defined as the initial research into...idea. This is where a researcher has an idea or has observed something and seeks to understand more about it.... research lays the initial groundwork for future research... ...For instance computers have allowed large populations to be looked at.... around the globe instead of a few people from the local train station... The following can be mentioned as examples with exploratory design as research findings are … [Read more...]

MS 94 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. How is technology helpful in designing the business strategies of a firm? Explain with the help of a suitable example. 2. List out of the various routes of technology transfer. Choose a firm you are acquainted with, which has adopted a specific route of technology transfer for its product. Discuss the merits and demerits involved in adopting the specific route by the firm. 3. Discuss the different phases of diffusion. Explain how the diffusion process can be improved in a firm. 4. What do you understand by Technology Management Group? Explain why is it essential for an organization … [Read more...]

MS 91 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. a) Define corporate planning. Describe the process of corporate planning in detail. b) What are the implementation issues involved in corporate planning? Ans. b) Implementation almost always involves the introduction of change to an organization... Will automatically see why the alternative is best one and will begin immediate implementation... ...The resources that are expected to be available in accordance with the requirements of the organizations.. of the firm.. ... This take place , between themselves and middle management... between other important connections in the … [Read more...]

MS 68 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. (a) Why a sound knowledge of the customer in terms of the needs, preferences, motivation and behavior is paramount importance for advertisers for designing and formulating a suitable marketing communication strategy. Discuss at length with a suitable illustration. (b) Trace the major changes that have taken place in the India media scene both in the urban as well as rural set. Elaborate and propose suitable strategies for advertisers to cope these charges. 2. (a) Propose and explain the promotion campaign for the following product which are at the growth and maturity stage of their … [Read more...]

MS 66 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. a) What do you understand by the term Marketing Research? Why it is necessary for firms to seriously consider and undertake research activities on a continuous basis? Elaborate with suitable example of your choice. b) Make a visit to any firm/company from you location on you are associated with and try to study how marketing research activities are being initiated, conducted and implemented in the firm. Report your observations and offer your recommendations accordingly. 2. a) What is research design? Briefly discuss the four types of research design. You are familiar with. Illustrate … [Read more...]

MS 58 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. What does the „creative process‟ mean? Describe and comment upon the elements of the creative process. It is necessary that the stages in the creative process should occur in a certain order? 2. Discuss the rationale of partnership in innovation and R & D. “The need for partnership for innovation was never felt more than as it is today”. Examine the statement. Why is the need for partnership in innovation felt more strongly today? 3. Gilletee‟s invention of „twin blade‟ design of shaving razor propelled it into position of „market leadership‟. Give five other criteria which you … [Read more...]

MS 57 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. What is reliability centred maintenance? What are the important steps involved in implementing it in any plant? 2. What is the importance of maintenance budgeting? Give the advantage of Zero Based Budget. 3. A remote control unit has 25 components in series. Each component has a reliability of 0.999. What is the reliability of the remote control unit? If it is desired to have a reliability of 0.996 for 3000 hours of operation, what should be the failure rate of each component? Assume that the time to failure for each component is exponentially distributed. 4. Define hazard rate the … [Read more...]

MS 56 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. What is the need of implementing materials management quality improvement process? How does TQM support in creating customer value in materials management? 2. “Ethical conduct in purchasing depends, to a large extent, on the local culture to which the purchasing agents and suppliers belong”. Comment! 3. Discuss the various types of inventory carried by a manufacturing organization. In what types of inventories can the EOQ and order level polices be used, and in what types of inventories will the use of MRP be more effective? 4. What do you understand by the term codification? What … [Read more...]