1. Every organization has to move materials to support its operations. Take the case of a poultry that deals in eggs, meat products and a range of related goods. What materials are moved in this case? 2. An integrated supply chain is a convenient notion, but it does not reflect real operations. An organization is only really concerned with its own customers and suppliers, and does not have time to consider other organizations further along the chain. Do you think that this is true? 3. Give various supply chain information categories. Give examples of information contained in these … [Read more...]
IGNOU MBA Assignment
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MS 46 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016
1. Select any financial service of your choice and discuss the impact of technology on that service. 2. Study any Stock Exchange of your choice and explain its organizational structure. Also discuss the recent developments that have taken place in that organization. 3. Discuss the various products that are being offered by a Mutual Fund of your choice to investors. Which of these schemes according to you are suitable to which class of Investors? 4. What functions are undertaken by National Housing Bank? Discuss the powers vested in it to regulate and supervise the housing finance … [Read more...]
MS 45 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016
1. What are the main features of the exchange rate regime that was designed at Bretton Woods? Explain and distinguish between Fixed Exchange Rate and Floating Exchange Rate system. Which one is more suitable and why? 2. Explain the Purchasing Power Parity Theory with the help of an example. Can there be deviations also from Purchasing Power Parity relationship? If so, what factors are responsible for the same? 3. What do you understand by Exchange Rate Exposures? Describe different types of exchange rate exposures and the techniques used to manage them. 4. Why is cost of capital … [Read more...]
MS 44 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016
1. Define Investment. Discuss the effect of changes in investment environment on investment decisions. Explain the various types of risks involved in investment. 2. (a) What is 'Primary Market’? Discus the important developments that have taken place recently in Indian primary market. . (b) What do you understand by Initial Public Offer (I.P.O.)? Who are allowed to make an I.P.O.?Discuss the salient features of the SEBI guidelines on I.P.O. 3. (a) Critically evaluate the fundamental analysis. How is it useful to a prospective investor? (b) What are the various techniques of … [Read more...]
MS 29 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016
1) Enumerate different approaches to organisational structures in MNCs. Discuss different modes of operation in MNCs citing suitable examples. 2) What are different approaches to staffing function in MNCs. Describe different staffing methods adopted by MNCs with the help of relevant organisational examples 3) Compare and contrast leadership style followed in Japanese and French firms citing suitable examples. 4) Explain the role of HR managers in mergers and acquisitions in international perspective. Discuss the issues and concerns arising out of these citing examples. … [Read more...]
MS 28 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016
1. Explain the concept of social justice in relation to industrial jurisprudence. Describe the influence of ILO Conventions and Recommendations on Labour Legislation in India. 2. Describe the scope and coverage of the Mines Act, 1952. Discuss the enforcement of the Act and the provisions regarding working hours and limitation of employment under the Act. 3. Define object, scope and coverage of the Industrial Employment (standing orders) Act, 1946. What are the Acts or Omissions on the part of a workman which amount to misconduct under the Act? 4. Distinguish between Minimum, Fair and … [Read more...]
MS 27 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016
1. Explain the concept and structure of compensation. Describe the functions and responsibilities of compensation programme of an organization you are familiar with. 2. Explain the purpose and application of the payment of wages Act, 1936. Describe the concept of deduction from wages and limits on the total amount of deduction can the fine be deducted from wages of an employed persons? If so, subject to what conditions. 3. What do you understand by the concept of wages, explain the concept of basic wage through examples. Why dearness is allowance an integral part of pay packet, explain … [Read more...]
MS 26 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016
1. Why do groups get formed? What are the stages of group development in an organizational situation? Relate the process with your organizational experience or the ones you are aware of. Briefly describe the organization and the situation you are referring to. 2. What is Stress? What is the concept and stages of Burnout? Describe the concepts relating to your organizational experience or the ones you are aware of. Briefly describe the organization and the situations you are referring to. 3. Explain the concept of self empowerment, and Power enhancers of leaders in organizational set … [Read more...]
MS 25 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016
1. Discuss the concept of planned organisation change with the help of organisational examples. 2. Explain different reasons and techniques of process based change citing examples. 3. Describe the model as a diagnostic guide and its key features with the help of examples. 4. Enlist the key skills in managing organisational change citing examples. … [Read more...]
MS 6 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016
1. (a) What do you understand by the term “Marketing”? Discuss the scope and importance of marketing function in the current Indian Business Environment. (b) Effective Marketing is the result of proper blending of marketing mix elements. Elaborate the above statement with two suitable examples by taking one each from an FMCG and a consumer durable product/Brand of your choice. 2. (a) What are the major reason that marketers undertake segmenting their markets periodically? Explain with suitable example of your choice. (b) Explain briefly the concept of Product Life Cycle (PLC). To what … [Read more...]