IGNOU MBA Solved Assignment

MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2020

1. “Operational level decisions deal with short-term planning and control problems.” Explain the various Operational (short-term) decisions in the light of the statement. 2. “The continuous form of processing requires a great deal of effort while designing.” Explain the characteristics and advantages of the continuous flow processes. 3. “Work sampling is a fact-finding tool.” Comment on the statement. Explain some uses of work sampling and work sampling procedure. 4. Under what circumstances would you use PERT as opposed to CPM in project management? Give some example of projects … [Read more...]

MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2019

1. Why do you think is managing a high volume continuous operation easier than managing a high-variety intermittent operation? 2. “Work measurement is concerned with the determination of the amount of time required to perform a unit of work”. Explain the work measurement procedure. Also explain any two techniques of work  measurement. 3. What do you understand by “mass production system”? Explain advantages and disadvantages. Also, state the right time to go for mass production. 4. “It is realistic to expect that all material put into process will not end up as good saleable product”. … [Read more...]

MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2019

1. “Materials handling is the art and science involving the movement, packaging and storing of substances in any form”. In the light of statement, explain the objectives and types of material handling system. 2. What do you understand by work measurement? Explain the various principal techniques used to measure work. 3. What do you understand by the term maintenance management? Discuss the various types of maintenance systems? 4. Define Value Engineering. Briefly explain the seven phases of value engineering job plan. 5. “Classification of materials involves grouping of items … [Read more...]

MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2018

1. In the present age of modern management and improved technology, what are the major strategic and operational decisions of production and operations management? 2. How can the relationships of different departments be considered in preparing a layout? Prepare a REL chart for the different departments of a typical hospital. 3. What is work design? What are its constituents? Explain using a schematic diagram. What is job design? What are the behavioral aspects in job design? 4. Service organizations usually have to be provided with a higher capacity than the estimated annual or … [Read more...]

MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2018

1. It is generally felt that “rural areas are good for locating large plant, semi-urban areas for locating medium-sized plants, and urban areas for small-scale plants”. Comment. 2. (a) Define job design. How has management viewed job design since the industrial revolution? (b) List the important factors that must be addressed in job design and briefly discuss the importance of each one. 3. Under what circumstances would you use PERT as opposed to CPM in project management? Give some example of projects where each would be more applicable than the other. 4. What do you understand by … [Read more...]

MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2017

1. (a) Enumerate the basic types of plant layouts. How does a cellular layout differ from a process layout? (b) What are the different factors that should be considered for designing a plant layout? 2. What do you understand by work sampling technique? Highlight some uses of work sampling. What are the steps usually required in conducting a work sampling study. 3. (a) What is the distinctive feature of job production as compared to mass and batch production systems? (b) Give three examples form your daily life of job production systems. 4. Describe the following, with … [Read more...]

MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – Jun 2017

1. “Product development and design is basically a research and development activity”. Elaborate the statement with suitable examples. 2. What is work sampling? Why is it called a fact-finding tool? Describe some uses of work sampling. 3. Practical job shops are much more complicated and may have hundreds o f matching centres and thousands of jobs. Comment! Why do we resort to priority dispatching rules for sequencing jobs at each machine centre? Describe these rules. 4. How can FAST diagram act as a Value Engineering tool. Explain the basic methodology of FAST diagrams with the help … [Read more...]

MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. There are many stages involved in bringing a new output to the market. Why can’t the stages be performed in smooth sequence. 2. What do you understand by work study, method study and work measurement? Highlight the basis steps involved. 3. What is batch production? Under which circumstances it is used? Discuss some features of batch production. 4. Briefly discuss the terms:- 1) Acceptance Sampling 2) Process Control Charts 5. Discuss some of the important and frequently used systems for Stores Accounting. … [Read more...]

MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. Describe an Intermittent Flow Process. Highlight its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. 2. What is work sampling? Describe the steps usually required in conducting a work sampling study. 3. Explain Kilbridge and Wester method for obtaining a good balance for an assembly line balancing problem. 4. Why are suppliers sometimes helpful in value analysis programs? How can they help? Does it violate your concept of good business ethics to involve them in your problems? 5. Discuss the major functions of stores in an organization. What are the advantages and disadvantages of … [Read more...]

MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. Why is it more difficult to increase productivity of a service system as compared to a production system? Elaborate by giving suitable examples. 2. What is the importance of materials handling in designing a layout? How will you go about selecting the materials handling system? 3. It is usually presumed that ‘resistance to change is a characteristic attributed to people’. What would be your personal reactions, if some work design analyst came to your work station to conduct a study of your work? 4. What is the distinctive feature of job production as compared to mass and batch … [Read more...]