IGNOU MBA Solved Assignment

MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2020

1. A firm has many objectives. Discuss how these objectives are different from the traditional objective of profit maximization. 2. Illustrate the relationship between the firm’s total revenue curve and demand curve. 3. Briefly discuss Production Isoquants and Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution (MRTS). Explain how is MRTS calculated? 4. Differentiate between equilibrium of profit maximizing output of a perfectly competitive firm in short run and long run. 5. Explain what is Price Discrimination? Differentiate between First degree and Second Degree Price Discrimination. 6. … [Read more...]

MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2019

1. How is decision taken under risk? Draw a Decision Tree and explain. 2. Why does demand curve slope downwards and supply curve slope upwards? Explain. Also differentiate between the movement along a demand curve and shift in the demand curve with the help of examples. 3. Differentiate between economies of scale and economies of scope. Also explain internal and external economies and diseconomies of scale. 4. Assume that a travel agent has an agency in three different localities of a city. Explain whether it is possible for the travel agent to practice price discrimination. What are … [Read more...]

MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2019

1. Discuss the fundamental nature of Managerial Economics. How are the three choice problems of an economy solved? 2. Briefly discuss the determinants of demand. Explain graphically increase and decrease of demand. 3. Explain the increasing, constant and decreasing returns to scale. Use diagrams to substantiate your answer. 4. Explain Price Rigidity and Kinked Demand Curve under Oligopoly. 5. What is Two- Part Tariffs and how it is determined? 6. Write short notes on any two of the following:- (a) Opportunity Cost Principle (b) Income Elasticity of Demand (c) Economies of … [Read more...]

MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2018

1. What is the scope of Managerial Economics? How does the study of Managerial Economics involves the analysis of certain major subjects? Explain citing examples. 2. What is the Law of Demand? Explain increase and decrease of demand with the help of any example of your choice. 3. What is Short- Run Cost Functions? Explain how Total Cost (TC), Total Fixed Cost (TFC) and Total Variable Cost (TVC) are calculated? Discuss with the help of a table and graph. 4. Differentiate between First Degree and Second Degree Price Discrimination. Why is Second Degree Price Discrimination described as … [Read more...]

MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2018

1. Explain the Opportunity Cost Principle? Substantiate with the help of an example how production possibility reflects opportunity costs? 2. How are Demand, Price Elasticity and Revenue determined? Explain Price Elasticity with the help of any particular example of your choice. 3. Discuss Economies and Diseconomies of Scale. How is Economies of Scope different from Economies of Scale? Explain. 4. Explain “Barriers to Entry” of a firm. Differentiate between legal barriers and natural barriers with the help of any example of your choice. 5. Trace the chronology of deregulation of … [Read more...]

MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2017

1. “The production possibility curve reflects the different combination of goods, which an economy can produce, given its state of technology and total resources.” With reference to statement given above explain the guns-versus-butter debate. 2. Explain the marketing approach to demand measurement. Briefly discuss the three important sources of data used in demand forecasting. 3. How is Accounting Costs different from Economic Costs? Explain with the help of an example how an income statement prepared by accountant is different from income statement prepared by economist? 4. … [Read more...]

MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – Jun 2017

1. Opportunity costs are the ‘costs of sacrificed alternatives.’ Discuss with the help of examples. 2. How are income effect and substitution effect important in explaining the negative slope of demand functions? Explain giving examples from real world. 3. When there are 2 inputs K, L, given the price of capital (PK)= 10 and price of labour (PL)=20. Total Expenditure C=100. Draw and explain the effect on the isocost curve in case of the following: - (i) decrease in price of labour (PL)=10 (ii) increase in the price of capital (PK)= 20 (iii) decrease in the price of capital (PK)= … [Read more...]

MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2016

1. Describe Incremental Cost. Differentiate between Incremental Cost and Equi- Marginal Principle. Explain how does consumer maximize utility with the help of Equi-Marginal Principle? 2. A firm’s demand function is given as P=32-6Q and the average cost function as AC=Q2 – 7.5Q+50+2/Q. Calculate the level of output Q which:- a) maximizes total revenue b) maximizes profits 3. Discuss Long- Run Cost Functions. Why long run cost curve is called a planning curve and explain how does it help in future decision making process? 4. Why is there a kink in the market demand curve of … [Read more...]

MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. “Sales- revenue maximization” is the main objective of a firm. Discuss this statement with the help of an example. 2. “The main determinant of elasticity is the availability of substitutes.” Explain this statement in the context of price elasticity of demand. 3. Answer the following:- (a) Explain average cost and marginal cost (b) Find (i) marginal cost and (ii) the average cost functions for the following total cost function. Calculate them at Q−4 and Q−6 TC−5Q2 +10Q+12 4. Does Price Discrimination exist in the real world? Discuss with reference to any particular product or … [Read more...]

MS 9 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. “The traditional objective of the firm has been profit maximization. It is still regarded as the most common and theoretically the most plausible objective of business firms.” Discuss. 2. With reference to the marketing approach of demand measurement explain any two important sources of data used in demand forecasting. 3. Given the total cost function: C=16q2 + 10q + 36 (where q is the output) Find: (i) values of q for which ATC is falling, and (ii) values of q for which ATC is rising. 4.“A Tata Sky Direct - to - Home (DTH) service provider charges a base fee for booking into … [Read more...]