MS 2 IGNOU MBA Assignments July-Dec 2015

1. “In the prevailing context of business world wide, the organizations are faced with five critical challenges viz; Globalisation, Profitability through growth, Technology, Intellectual capital and Change, and Change and more change, Collectively these challenges require building new capabilities.” Elaborate this statement and discuss the underlying concepts with respect to the organisational efforts in the […]

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MS 95 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015

1. Explain the concept of Research Design. Describe some important research design for research study. 2. Examine the merits & limitations of the observation method for collecting data. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. 3. What is the meaning of measurement in research? What difference does it make whether we measure in terms of a […]

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MS 93 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015

1. How can Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills be developed through suitable training interaction? Explain. 2. Using the SWOT framework conduct an opportunity analysis for the following. (a) a leather products outlet (b) a handicrafts outlet 3. Explain the common errors committed in the formation of a Business Plan. 4. Discuss the management aspects of the […]

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MS 92 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015

1. What was the new approach adopted with regard to transformation of public to private sector? 2. Briefly discuss the important methods government adopted to exercise governmental control. 3. “The classification of State Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) is an onerous task.” With reference to the statement briefly discuss the coverage and features of SLPEs. 4. […]

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MS 91 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015

1. a) What is corporate planning and what are the benefits of corporate planning? b) Identify the reasons attributed to the failure of corporate planning and the pre-requisites for its success. 2. Explain the role of the Board in Strategic Management and the process of creating an effective Board in detail. 3. Discuss market structures […]

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MS 65 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015

1. Select a service organization you are familiar with, where customers have to wait in line for service. What, according to you, are the reasons for customer waiting? Develop a waiting line strategy for the organization. 2. Identify a number of goods and services you use on a regular basis. Then examine Fig. 1.1 (Goods […]

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MS 64 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015

1. Describe the differences between ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric and geocentric orientations. How do these orientations affect international marketing practices? Explain with the help of examples. 2. A garment manufacturer presently operating in domestic market only wants to go international. Advise the organization regarding various options available to reach foreign markets. 3. Explain the significance of […]

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MS 63 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015

1. Explain the concept of ‘product line’ and ‘product mix’ giving suitable examples. Discuss the factors influencing the product line decisions. 2. What do you understand by the term ‘product positioning’? What are the key considerations in designing a positioning strategy for a product? Describe the alternative basis of positioning that you can apply for […]

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MS 62 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015

1. What is Sales Management? Discuss the considerations in the formulation of Sales Strategy for the following products: (a) Any Industrial Product of your choice (b) For a newly introduced consumer durable (ceiling fan brand) in a highly competitive market. 2. (a) Discuss the concept of personal selling with suitable examples. (b) Critically evaluate the […]

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MS 61 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015

1. How would you differentiate between organizational buying and individual buying? Taking the example of purchase of a computer for your personal use and for organizational purposes, explain the differences. 2. Explain the concept of family life cycle. How do the family life cycle stages affect the consumption patterns? Give its implications for the marketer […]

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