IGNOU MBA Solved Assignment

MS 93 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2020

1. Explain the role of entrepreneurship in the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). How has entrepreneurship contributed in economic development? 2. What is market demand analysis? Explain the elements or variables which determine market demand. 3. Explain the tax structure applicable to sole proprietorship, partnership and company’s form of business organization. 4. List and discuss the factors which explain plant location. 5. Define family business. What is the negative and positive side of family business? 6. Write short notes on the following: (a) … [Read more...]

MS 93 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – Jun 2017

1. Explain how Government can create conducive environment to facilitate the functioning of MSMEs. 2. How is technological process determined, once the decision to make the product has been decided? 3. Discuss the common errors identified while formulating the business plan. 4. What are the key strategic decisions in the selection of product, its development and design along with the development of prototype? 5. How do the entrepreneurs estimate their needs and plan their cash schedules? Explain. 6. Write short notes on the following :- (a) Employment Creation (b) Selection of … [Read more...]

MS 93 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. What do you understand by entrepreneurial competency? Explain its role in entrepreneurship development? 2. How can an opportunity analysis be conducted for the following:- (a) A gift shop (b) A bicycle store 3. What are the advantages of company form of organization as compared to Proprietorship/ One Person Company and Partnership form of organization? Discuss 4. Describe the tools of production planning and control used by a small entrepreneur. 5. What do you understand by family business? Explain the characteristics of family business and discuss the issues and problems of … [Read more...]

MS 93 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015

1. How can Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills be developed through suitable training interaction? Explain. 2. Using the SWOT framework conduct an opportunity analysis for the following. (a) a leather products outlet (b) a handicrafts outlet 3. Explain the common errors committed in the formation of a Business Plan. 4. Discuss the management aspects of the following assets whose pitfalls are commonly observed in the daily operations of a small business. (a) Land and Building (b) Trade Debts 5. “The cash flow statement provides a way of relating an entrepreneur’s earning … [Read more...]

MS 93 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2014

1. How is the Industrial Policy Statement of 1991 different from IPR 1980? Discuss. 2. Differentiate between selling and marketing orientation using illustrations. 3. What are the types of loans required by small scale units? Explain the sources of working capital finance and describe the consequences of inadequate working capital. 4. Why are small business owners not able to handle employee relations? Discuss. What are the measures used for handling employee grievances? 5. Describe the positive and negative side of family business. Does family business seem to be a useful system … [Read more...]

MS – 93 June 2013 Management of New and Small Enterprises

1. Define Small Scale Enterprises (SSEs)? Explain the features of SSEs which make have an impact on the economic growth of the nation. 2. Identify an entrepreneur of your choice who has set up a small scale unit. Enumerate the steps, which helped him/her reach the final project. 3. Give an overview of Technical Feasibility and know-how with special reference to scope of technical arrangements and provision of technical know how. 4. Examine the factors involved in deciding the location of a plant while setting up a SSE? 5. Describe the financial ratios commonly used by entrepreneurs … [Read more...]