MS 65 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. Do you agree with the following statements? Justify your answer giving suitable examples. (a) Growth in services is at the expense of manufacturing sector of the economy. (b) In the case of services, consumers rely more on personal sources of information for pre-purchase evaluation. (c) Service guarantees are beneficial for all the service firms. […]

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MS 64 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. Distinguish between the following: (a) Free Trade Area and Customs Union (b) Polycentric and Ethnocentric Orientations 2. Explain the various products – communications strategies available to an international marketer, giving suitable examples. 3. Briefly explain the components of international advertising strategy. What are the relative advantages of standardization and adaptation of an international advertising […]

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MS 63 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. Briefly explain the concept of Product Life Cycle (PLC). Do all the products follow the bell shaped curve of PLC? Discuss giving suitable examples. 2. Discuss the various functions performed by packaging in marketing of consumer goods, giving suitable examples. 3. Explain the stages involved in new product development process, giving suitable examples. 4. […]

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MS 62 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. (a) Explain the importance, scope and relevance of Sales Management Function in the current Indian business environment. (b) Why and when personal selling method become’s appropriate and inevitable? Illustrate with two examples of your choice. 2. (a) Discuss the different types of selling skills that a salesman ought to possess in performing and discharging […]

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MS 61 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. Imagine yourself as a retailer for menswear and propose how you would use lifestyle approach to succeed in your venture. 2. What is meant by subliminal persuasion? Explain the various subliminal techniques. 3. Define personality. What are the differences between the trait theory and the psychoanalytic theory of personality? 4. What is a reference […]

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MS 43 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. Discuss the interlinkages between some of the new management techniques such as TQM, JIT and Activity Based Costing, with the conceptual foundations of Management Control Systems. 2. Select any Organization of your choice and study in detail whether Responsibility Centers are essential for that Organization or not? If you think the Responsibility Centers are […]

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MS 42 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. What is meant by cost of capital? How is cost of long term debt and preference share capital calculated? How is average weighted cost of capital measured? Explain. 2. Define and explain the term, ‘Capital Structure’. Critically examine the Net Income approach and Net Operating Income approach to capital structure theories. 3. Discuss the […]

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MS 41 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. Collect the Financial Statements of any two firms from the same industry for 2014-2015 and calculate their Efficiency, Liquidity and Structural Ratios. Based on these ratios give your views on the working capital management of these firms. 2. The Ratan Corporation sells goods earning a gross profit of 25% on sales. You are required […]

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MS 24 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. Describe the Industrial relations in India. Discuss the current developments in industrial relations and high light the current issues and challenges in Industrial relations with suitable examples. 2. Explain the obligations, rights and functions of trade unions. Discuss the present position of trade unions in India. What are your suggestions for strengthening of trade […]

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MS 23 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2016

1. Explain the forecasting demand for employees. Describe various issues in demand forecasting with suitable examples from an organization you are familiar with. 2. What do you mean by job evaluation? Describe the methods of job evaluation being used in an organization you are familiar with. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of the job evaluation methods. […]

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