MS-02 June 2013 Management of Human Resources

1. “Borderless world, Diversity Management, and Knowledge power, are some of the overarching factors being encountered by the Human Resource Mangers of 21st century business world”. How do they affect the dynamics of Human Resource Management in today’s organizations? Explain with examples from the organization you are familiar with or have been working for. Briefly describe the organization, you are referring to.

2. “Each employee in an organization performs various roles. Role perception of a manager and an employee make a complex web as they interact”. Elaborate this statement in the light of socialisation factors in organizational socialization process. Outline the importance of initial Job socialization on the employee and the organization. Explain with the help of your personal experience and organizational experience with respect to the above concepts. Explain the situation and describe the organization, you are referring to.

3. Consider Potential Appraisal, Assessment Centres, and Career and Succession Planning in an organizational context. Describe the dynamics of these concepts, their interactional outcomes, and impact on overall functioning and management of the organization.
Put down your experience with respect to the dynamics of these factors in totality as seen by you in an organizational situation or the situations which you are familiar with.
Briefly describe the situation and the organization, you are referring to.

4. How do you see the role, presence, necessity, and impact of ‘Mentoring and Performance Coaching’ in organizational situations in Indian context in general?
Critically describe the experience the organizations have with respect to these concepts, their applicability, effectiveness and prospect. You may like to compare few organizations you have known or familiar with or even you can come out with your own experience in organizational context. Describe the context, and the organization you are referring to.

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