1. Explain in detail the framework of planning, organizing and control decisions in production systems. Give suitable examples to explain the framework. 2. What are the major techniques of work measurement? Discuss two important techniques with suitable examples. 3. Under what circumstances would you use PERT as opposed to CPM in project management? Give some example of projects where each would be more applicable than the other. 4. Explain the basic concept of value engineering. Choose any product, system or procedure that you are conversant with and apply the value tests to find … [Read more...]
MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2014
1.a) Explain the Product Selection and stages involved therein. b) What is producibility? How does it affect product selection? 2. a) Define job design. How has management viewed job design since the industrial revolution? b) List the important factors that must be addressed in job design and briefly discuss the importance of each one. 3. What do you understand by slack? Construct an example and show how you can use the knowledge of slacks for better project management. 4. What is the fundamental difference between the use of acceptance sampling plans and process control … [Read more...]
MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan – June 2014
1. Explain in detail the framework of planning, organizing and controlling the decisions in production systems. Give suitable examples to explain the framework. 2. Explain key issues that govern the selection of process in a manufacturing set up. 3. What are the major techniques of work measurement? Discuss two important techniques with suitable examples. 4. Under what circumstances would you use PERT as opposed to CPM in project management? Give some example of projects where each would be more applicable than the other. 5. Explain the basic concept of value engineering. Choose … [Read more...]
MS 5 IGNOU MBA Assignment July – Dec 2013
1. Explain Product design. How does it influence the Process Design? 2. Define Job Design. Identify the important factors and their influences in designing the Job. 3. What do you mean by Production Planning & Control (PPC)? Explain the role of aggregate planning in PPC. 4. What is value Engineering and Analysis. Explain how to organize value engineering function in shoe manufacturing organization. 5. Explain with the help of block diagram the purchasing decision making process in an engineering organization. Briefly discuss the process of vendor rating. 6. Write short notes … [Read more...]
MS – 5 June 2013 Management of Machines and Materials
1) Discuss the role of Scientific methods in Operations Management. 2) Explain the product selection and stages involved therein. 3) Define Job Design. How has management viewed job design since the industrial revolution? 4) Discuss the variation in the approach of planning and controlling of mass, batch and job shop production. 5) Discuss the various methods for stores accounting and verification systems. 6) Write Short notes on: a) Work Sampling b) Acceptance Sampling c) Value Engineering & Analysis d) Waste Management. … [Read more...]
MS-05 Dec 2012 Management of Machines and Materials
1. Explain the concept of Systems Life-Cycle. 2. How should an organization balance the different design characteristics in a new product? Elaborate. 3. Define Job Design. Explain the important factors to be considered for Job designing. 4. Elaborate your understanding about Aggregate Production Planning. 5. Define Value Engineering and Analysis. What are the various methods for VE and VA? Explain one of these methods with an example. 6. Write short notes of the following. a) Learning Curve b) Acceptance Sampling c) Assembly Line Balancing d) Material Requirement … [Read more...]