1. Briefly explain the need for, types of, and the uses of various psychological tests in the evaluation of candidates during the recruitment and selection process of an organization. Explain with examples you have had in the organization you have been working in, or you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization and the context, […]
[Continue reading]MS 1 IGNOU MBA Assignments Jan-June 2015
1. What are Management processes? Critically discuss the necessity of each managerial process and its logical sequencing in relation to other processes in an organisational set up. Explain with the help of your organizational experience, or the ones you are aware of . Briefly discuss the vital details of the organization, you are referring to. […]
[Continue reading]MS 95 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2014
1. Distinguish between “primary data” and “secondary data” with the help of examples. Which one is easy to collect, why? Answer. Primary data is data you collect which is directly relevant to your study. While primary data collection is a lot more accurate since it relates specifically to the research you are performing, it is […]
[Continue reading]MS 94 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2014
1. How does managing technology help in gaining and sustaining competitive advantage? Explain with the help of an example from the business world. Answer. Technology management enables businesses to manage their technological fundamentals to build competitive advantage. Popular concepts used in technology management are technology strategy, technology forecasting, mapping technologies to business and market needs, […]
[Continue reading]MS 91 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2014
1. Discuss various pricing strategies available to firms under different market structures, giving examples. Answer. There are many types of pricing strategies and tactics that can be considered. A market skimming pricing strategy involves launching a new product at a very high price and then gradually reducing the price over time. This strategy is often used […]
[Continue reading]MS 68 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2014
1. (a) Discuss the concept and role of marketing communication in the following situations . (i) Product Marketing (ii) Social Marketing (b) Explain the consumer behavior variables that help enable in the development of marketing communication. 2. (a) Briefly explain the strategic consideration and creative consideration associated in campaign planning for the following products & […]
[Continue reading]MS 66 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2014
1. (a) When and why Marketing Research is undertaking is an organizations? Suggest some possible areas of application of M.R. (b) List out and briefly explain the major problems associated in undertaking M.R. in India. 2 . (a) What is Research Designs? Describe briefly the various kinds of research designs and their application for different […]
[Continue reading]MS 27 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2014
1. Explain the concept and role of compensation. Describe the compensation structure of any organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to. Answer. Compensation and benefits are provided in exchange for the employees’ contributions to the organization. An effective compensation program can help shape performance and improve job satisfaction as […]
[Continue reading]MS 25 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2014
1. Briefly discuss the relevance of change in organizations, enlist the types of change and describe the factors contributing to change citing suitable examples. Answer. Change is important in coping with emerging technological advancements in the society…… Change is important for any organization because, without change, businesses would likely lose their competitive edge…… Change helps […]
[Continue reading]MS 58 IGNOU MBA Assignments July – Dec 2014
1.“R & D is a learning process and helps in capability building”. Explain by citing relevant examples of firms/nations. 2. Critically evaluate the R & D infrastructure in India. What needs to be further done in this respect? 3. What are the different hierarchical models of R & D organization? Compare their merits and demerits. […]
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